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Gen Z students mindset is to treated as customers and to realize value commensurate with the investment they’re making.

New Agenda for Mechanical & Civil Engineers

Universities face a moment of truth as tuition and auxiliary revenues decline in core engineering branches as well as increasing budget shortfalls. students find in attractive to switch to career paths with desire of meaningful employment.  Research & Innovation in mechanical and civil are taking a beating due to failure to attract bright students. Disciplines like mechanical, civil electrical are facing an existential crises as we engage with head of institutions and faculty 

Higher education should focus on digital immersion of 3D & AR/VR in mechanical and civil engineering. 

Create a fast learning environment at scale - boosters shots , agile and adaptable to technology changing overnight

Multi-disciplinary and ability to connect dots across process, domain and technology appreciated by industry

Civil and structural domains would solve biggest urban planning issues on computers using 3D & Artificial Intelligence

Mindset shift to begin with critical thinking of problem, Define Impact to work out solution and use the right methodology and platforms.

80% of all Jobs will get redefined due to mobility innovation - traditional -> electric->autonomous.

Our approach to future engineering career paths

In addition to our transformative consulting , we have invested in Industry focused capability centers - sandbox for students, experts and industry professionals to work on 3D product innovation, latest software capabilities and industry use cases.

It also aids in fostering research and development and builds a physical space to connect students to domain specific problems , re-orient to changing technologies and open their aspirations to disruptive boom we see in transportation & infrastructure. 

Anchor 1

Hybrid learning factory - Industry in a box


Transportation & Mobility Innovation


Learning Factory for


Electric Vehicle




Virtual Infrastructure & Construction


Learning Factory for

Smart City


Super structures

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